

June 28, 2018

Second Quarter 2018 Newsletter

Even in the face of market volatility, the global economic backdrop remains healthy and poised for continued growth. Asset price volatility creates opportunities, especially when purchasing high quality companies with solid fundamentals that display a commitment to a growing dividend stream. The duration and severity of volatile periods are always unknown and navigating through opaque,...

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January 5, 2018

First Quarter 2018 Newsletter

Strong market returns and an economic cycle entering its 9th year leave investors asking: “What should I really expect in 2018?” The search for real answers can be daunting and potentially elusive as investors sift through a myriad of data, news flow, and opinion pieces. While, meaningful signposts point to the continuation of a healthy...

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October 3, 2017

Fourth Quarter 2017 Newsletter

Investing stirs deep emotions since building and protecting a family’s legacy is a highly personal endeavor. Realistically assessing the investment landscape involves analyzing market drivers and catalysts from a dispassionate perspective. This sounds like a tall order for individuals to successfully accomplish. However, overcoming emotional biases are critical as investors synchronize their rationale for investing...

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June 20, 2017

Third Quarter 2017 Newsletter

Against a fluid market and economic environment, it is critical to continually examine portfolio strategies to ensure the integration of long-term investment goals and objectives. Strong equity markets, modest economic growth, low inflation, and increasing political uncertainty characterize the current “risk-on” trading environment. Investors search for answers amidst a cacophony of economic and political voices...

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May 15, 2017

Second Quarter 2017 Newsletter

Periods of political or economic change increase uncertainty and result in a growing number of questions about the impact on financial assets. More questions than answers exist today forcing investors to operate and make decisions in a more ambiguous environment. An effective method of dealing with these unanswered questions is to design high-quality investment strategies...

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